If you are a student of recent exams for LLB at sargodha university than we are asking you to stay at this page for daily updates about your UOS LLB result 2018 so you can check your LLB 2018 result online here on this page when it will be announced.
As Sargodha university is busy in preparing the results for LLB recent exams now they are going to announce the result in coming dates and we are updating this page on daily basis for giving you the fresh and latest news about your Sargodha university LLB result 2018.
As following some other universities Sargodha university is delivering the best education levels in the country and making it easy for the students to get their LLB degree by offering two programs for LLB for Intermediate level students the LLB program is LLB (Hons) with 5 years of duration and for Graduate candidates the LLB program is in duration of 3 years only.
As Sargodha university is busy in preparing the results for LLB recent exams now they are going to announce the result in coming dates and we are updating this page on daily basis for giving you the fresh and latest news about your Sargodha university LLB result 2018.