Searching for the Sargodha university result for part 1 and part 2 in 2018? if yes than you are more than welcome here as we are providing to you each and every update of Sargodha university Bcom result 2018 right here on this page of Pakistan's first education blog.
As always Sargodha university will announce the result for bcom in september of 2018 as they do every year and still we are waiting for it to announce the official date for 2018 result of UOS. If you are waiting for your result than you have to keep an eye on this page for getting the good news before any body else do.
As we are keeping an eye on the dates and fresh information about sargodha university result 2018 we will update this page on daily basis to give you the exact information about results, you can also bookmark this page to revisit it again and again till you can check your sargodha university result 2018.
As always Sargodha university will announce the result for bcom in september of 2018 as they do every year and still we are waiting for it to announce the official date for 2018 result of UOS. If you are waiting for your result than you have to keep an eye on this page for getting the good news before any body else do.