General Knowledge MCQs For Competitive Exams Preparation, you are looking World General Knowledge Objective Type MCQs with answers for competitive Exams and tests preparations you are here on right website. On this page you will learn most repeated MCQs with solved answers questions with solutions.
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General Knowledge MCQs |
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World General Knowledge MCQs Online Quiz Test
Q.1: Who was elected first Chief Minister of Gilgit Baltistan?
- Syed Mehdi Shah
- Aziz Mian Ali
- Ahmad Yar Shah
- None of These
Q.2: First Constitution of Pakistqrrwas enforced on 23 March -----?
- 1977
- 1944
- 1956
- 1958
Q.3: Sakander Mirza imposed the first Martial Law on 7 October -----?
- 1966
- 1958
- 1954
- 1950
Q.4: Benazir Bhutto was the first Women Prime Minister of ------?
- Afghanistan
- Pakistan
- China
- India
Q.5: Begum Rana Liaquat Ali was the first female Governor of -----?
- China
- India
- Pakistan
- Newzeeland
Q.6: Third Constitution of Pakistan was enforced on 14 August ----?
- 1943
- 1993
- 1983
- 1973
Q.7: Name the longest river of Pakistan is -----?
- Amazon
- Indus
- Nial
- All of Above
Q.8: Oldest parliament in the world Althing -----?
- Wetland
- Sealand
- Iceland
- None of These
Q.9: Name the first Governor of NWFP from August 1947 to April 1948?
- Sir George Cunningham
- Villium Mackony
- Hanery Josaph
- None of These
Q.10: When was the first five year plan implemented in Pakistan?
- From 1945 to I950
- From 1955 to I960
- From 1965 to I970
- None of These
Q.11: Name the first President of Pakistan?
- Yahya Khan
- Ayub Khan
- IskcJndar Mirza
- None of These
Q.12: The president is elected for a term of ------ years?
- 5
- 7
- 9
- 10
Q.13: According to constitution of 1973, Prime Minister is appointed by the ------?
- Punjab Assambly
- Sindh Assambly
- National Assembly
- None of These
Q.14: Federal capital is represented by ----- senators?
- 3
- 4
- 6
- 8
Q.15: First Constitution (1956) was abrogated and Martial Law was proclaimed on 7 October -----?
- 1958
- 1978
- 1968
- 1938
Q.16: Chief Executive General Pervez Musharraf presented his local government plan on 14 August ----?
- 1990
- 2000
- 2001
- 2004
Q.17: The Chief Justice of Pakistan is appointed by the President on the advice of the ---?
- Prime Minister
- Chief Minister
- President
- Chief Justic
Q.18: A person is appointed judge of the Supreme Court if he has been a judge of a high court for at least ---- years?
- 3
- 5
- 8
- 10
Q.19: Who is considered as first space scientist?
- Kim John
- Robert Williams
- Mac Hanry
- Henry Cavendish
Q.20: A universal donor blood group is -----?
- A+
- B+
- B-
- O