Test for 11th class
Now teachers can get ready-made editable tests for all classes. You can order your test by phone OR WhatsApp and I will make your tests. You don't need to give me handmade tests. You will just tell me which test and papers you want and I will give you the tests in .docx and PDF versions.Please note that:
Chapterwise tests for 1st year
Test and papers are not free. You will pay according to the following schedules:
You can ask me for some samples before you confirm your orders. I will deliver your orders only within 5 days. Both URDU and ENGLISH medium papers are available. The once you confirm your order, I will make papers and Email to you and you will download attached papers and print it yourself.
Print form is not available for distant customers. The printed papers along with No. of required copies are only available in surroundings of City Kasur. Your school name and logo is displayed on papers so that it looks like your own property. I sell the copyright to my customers: they can use and edit papers anytime as they want. I will never complain copyright.Here are details of how you will get your tests and papers for Intermediate classes
11th class (F.Sc part I)
Chapterwise Test: Rs 40 /Test
Note: each test is of 30 marks (Urdu and English 40 marks). 10 MCQs and 20 marks subjective
Halfbook & Full book Tests: : Rs 70 /Test
Note : Each test is according to board patterns and pairing and bears full marks as in the board paperView Samples
12th class (F.Sc part II)
Chapterwise Test: : Rs 40 /Test
Note: each test is of 30 marks (Urdu and English 40 marks). 10 MCQs and 20 marks subjective
Halfbook & Full book Tests: : Rs 70 /Test
Note : Each test is according to board patterns and pairing and bears full marks as in the board paperSpecial Offer:
For test session 2020, I have updated all tests according to new board pairings. So now you can get complete test session of F.Sc part 1 for Rs 2500 only. The tests package include all chapterwise, halfbook and full books tests in MS word fully editable files including the following subjects:
- Urdu
- English
- Islamiat compulsory
- Physics
- chemistry
- biology
- computer science
- maths
View Samples
You can Contact me at my WhatsApp 03017980076 OR Contact Us on our webpage.
Chapter wise and half-book papers for 10th class
Chapter wise and half-book papers for First Year
Chapter wise and half-book papers for Second Year
Chapter wise and half-book papers for Inter Part I
Chapter wise and half-book papers for Inter Part II
Chapter wise and half-book papers for Inter Part II