Here are the most important MCQs of English for 9th class. There are two links give for two different pdf files. You can download the both files. One file has creative self test papers and the other has 200 solved mcqs for 9th class English.
9th class English Synonyms and Antonyms
I have previously uploaded important synonyms and antonyms solved for 10th class English here on Zahid Notes. But now, here is the same thing for class 9th English. You can download the notes in pdf from the link given below.
9th class English Grammar MCQs Solved
The solved English objective papers and MCQs are given below, you can download the notes here. The link below has 200 solved English MCQs for 9th class:
There is still another filed of English MCQs for 9th class and that is self test papers. There are almost 10 English Objective tests and the anwerkey is given along. The students can check whether they can solve these mcqs. The teachers can also conduct these tests to practice for Objective paper.
Now if you are finished with downloading the files, you should see the following posts too.