9th class islamiat paper pattern punjab board 2020

Paper pattern of 9th class Islamiat for the year 2020 is given. This is also the pairing scheme of 9th class Islamiat for all Punjab boards. This is valid for the Lahore Board, Gujranwala Board, Sargodha Board, Multan Board, Sahiwal Board, Rawalpindi Board, Faisalabad board, etc.

9th class Islamiat paper scheme and pairing scheme tells you which questions will be asked from which section of the book. The board paper follows a special scheme of studies to make an assessment for the students. So, it is better to know how the paper will be made and do your preparation accordingly.

9th class Islamiat Paper Pattern 2020

Here is the paper pattern and pairing scheme of Islamiat 2020

9th class Islamiat pairing scheme 2020

9th class islamic study compulsory pairing scheme 2020

The paper pattern and pairing scheme combined are shared here.

Q.1. MCQs = 10 marks

  • 6 MCQs from Surah Anfaal
  • 1 MCQs from Ahadeeth (1-10)
  • 3 MCQs from Mozuaati mutaliah
Q.2. Short questions from Surah Anfaal = 12 marks
  • There will be 9 short questions and students have to answer ANY SIX questions.
Q.3. Short questions from Ahadees and Mozuati Mutaliah = 12 marks
  • Total 9 short questions are given and the students have to answer any 6 short questions
  • 4 short questions from Ahadees
  • 5 Short questions from Mozuati Mutaliah
Q.4. Translation of Ayaat from Surah Anfaal = 8 marks
  • In this question, THREE Ayaat from Surah Anfaal are given and the students have to translate ANY TWO Ayaat into Urdu. Each translation having 4 marks marking a total of 8 marks for this question.
Q.5. Translation and Explanation of a Hadeeth = 3 marks 
  • There is no choice in this question. You have to translate and explain the only ONE given Hadith.
  • Translation 1 marks
  • Explanation 2 marks
  • The explanation should be of half-page
Q.6. Long Question from Mozuati Mutaliah = 5 marks
  • In this question, there are two long questions from Mozoati mutaliah (chapter 1-4) included in 9th class syllabus.
  • Students have to answer any one of the given two questions
  • The length of the answer must be between 1-2 pages
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