FPSC Custom inspector/ intelligence Officer (BS- 16) Paper Batch 1 Paper Morning conducted by FPSC on 24 April 2019. The following questions were asked in today paper of Custom Inspector.
Math portion (Batch I) updated [ Received from candidate at 09:15 PM]
1) 5.3% = ?
2) Ratio of 80 and 640
3) 25% of 500
4) what is value x of x:5::12:30
5) 30% is of 300 =?
6) (x-3) : x = (x+6): (x+3) what is value of x
7) Percentage of 0.047=?
8) Ratio of 7.5 & 3.5
9) Percentage 1/2 % 1/4 =?
10) 5:10::12:24
a) complex b) Compoud
11) 0.2% fractional =?
12) What is No of 160 in 20% = ?
13) How much No will be 50 to 150 divided with 13=?
14) No of multiple 4 by 13
13, 26, 39, 52
1. What is Moon? (A) Satellite (B) Star (C) Both A & B Ans . Satellite
2. Neutron has which charge? (A) Neutral (B) Positive (C) Negative (D) Positive Ans. Neutral
3. What is meant by flow of current? Flow of Electron
4. What is freezing point of Water? 0 Degree Centigrade
5. In which year Muslim league come into being? 1906
6. Who was the First president of Pakistan Muslim League? Chaudary Khaliquzaman
7. Which melts in room temperature? Mercury
8. Who is the current chairman of the Senate of Pakistan? Sadiq Sanjrani
9. What is Soap? (A) Salt (B) Base (C) Acid (D) None of the Above
10. What type of gas is used in electric bulb? None of these(use Argon, neon etc)
11. Who is current king of Saudi Arabia? King Salman
12. By whom martial law was imposed in 1977? General Zia ul Haq
13. By whom constitution was abrogated in 1958? Sikandar Mirza
14. Who is current chancellor of Germany? Angela Markel
15. Who was the Second prime minister of Pakistan? Khawaja Nazim ud din
16. Who murdered Hazrat Ali R.A? Abdal-Rahman ibn Muljam
17. Zakat obliged in which Hijri Year ? 2.A.H
18. Battle of Trench happened in which year? 5 Hijri
19. Capital of Australia? Canberra
20. Who accompanied in Hijrat to Hazrat Muhammat PBUH? Hazrat Abu Bakar R.A
21. What is meant by Evolution? Continuous
22. What is meant by Zamzam ? Stop flowing
23. After one unit in 1955 who become Chief minister of West Pakistan? Dr Khan Sahib(Khan Abdul Jabbar Khan)
24. In 1946 who is the Minister of Finance? Liaquat Ali Khan
25. Simon Commission report presented in which year ? 1930
26. in which year Capital changed to Delhi from Calcutta ? 1911
27. What is meant by Dry ice? Solid Carbon dioxide
28. Indus Basin Treaty was signed in which year ? 1960
29. ILO stands for what ? International Labor Organization
31. Kashghar is situated in which country ? China
32. Pakistan and China are connected with which pass? Khunjerab Pass
33. Who is the Author of Lolyal Muhammaden ? Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
34. Hormuz Strait lies between? Gulf of Oman and the Persian Gulf
35. One uni abolished by whom? Yahya khan
36. Jaliawala Bagh Massacre occured at? Amrster 1919
37. Sindh separated ifrom Bombay in which Indian Act? Govt of India Act 1935
39. After 1946 election who was the CM of NWFP? Dr. Khan Sahib(Khan Abdul Jabbar Khan)
40. Which country is a landlocked country? Nepal
41. Who is the current Prime Minister of Iraq? Haider al Abidi
42. What is the new name of Burma? Myanmar
2nd source (question from social media)
1) Pakistani-American *Rabeea Collier* becomes District Court judge in Texas
2) UN secretary general is *António Guterres*
3) *America* officially moved its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem in Israel.
4) Asif Saeed Khan Khosa is the *26th* and current Chief Justice of Pakistan, in office since 18 January 2019
5) Allama Iqbal was elected as a member of Punjab Legislative Assembly in *1926*
6) PM Imran khan paid his first official visit to *Saudi Arabia* on 18–19 September
7) the first China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) passenger bus service was launched on *Nov 3 2018*
8) *Nov 28, 2018* - Prime Minister Imran Khan on Wednesday performed the ground-breaking of the four kilometre-long Kartarpur Corridor
9) *Qatar* announced withdraw from the OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries)
10) Saudi Arabia *UAE* to announce $6.2 billion package for Pakistan
11) Allama Iqbal obtained his PhD in Philosophy from *Munich University*.
12) *Congress party* bycott from counter table conference
13) Tayyip Erdogan has secured *53.6%* of votes to be President
14) In Turky *AK Party* secured highiest vote to form Government
15) *Jamaal Khashoggi* was Assisinated inside the Saudi consulate in Istanbul
16) who gave theory of relativity *Albert Einstein*
17) Liaqat Ali Khan birth place....*karnal*
18) Shah Waliullah real name *qutabuddin ahmad* and birth place *muzarfar garh*
19) Oldest to win election? *Mahatir Muhammad*
20) SI unit of charge? *Coulomb*
21) Who gave theory of relativity? *Einstein*
22) Device that converts chemical energy into electrical? *Battery*
23) Meaning of Al-Baqarah? *Cow*
24) BRICS 10th Summit held in ? *Johannesburg, South Africa*
25) Meaning of "ihsan"? *Perfection*
1. Allama Iqbal PHD from which University. Munich uni. Germany
2. Liaqat Ali Khan birth place....karnal
3. Shah Waliullah real name and birth place qutabuddin ahmad muzarfar garh
Pak china bus to Kashgar to lahore started on 3 Nov 2018
Which country withdrawn from OPEC...qatar
Asif Saeed Khosa became __ CJ of Pakistan...26th
Allama Iqbal elected member of Punjab council in ? 1926
Pakistani Muslim woman became American judge recently name. Rabia Coiler
Turkish elections in June 2018 won by which party. Justice and development party
Turkish president Erdogan secured what percent of votes 52.59%
BRICS 10th Summit held in ? Month and Country. Johannesburg, South Africa
Kertarpur inauguration ceremony by pm on which date?? 28 Nov 2018
Oldest election winning pm???
Imran khan first official visit to which country?? Saudi Arabia
Today's custom inspector test batch 1
PM imran khan's 1st official visit?
Saudia and ____ announced $6.4 billion package for pak?
Current secretary general of UNO?
Justice khosa is pak's __th CJ??
Who was killed in saudia embassy istanbul?
Oldest to win election? Mahatir Muhammad
Winner party of turkey election held in june 2018?
Tayyab erodgan secure ___% votes in june 2018 election?
Sun is a? Star
Most abundent element on earth's crust? Oxygen
Most abundent element in universe? Hydrogen
SI unit of charge? Ampere
Who gave theory of relativity? Einstein
Device that converts chemical energy into electrical? Battery
Electric generator works on which principle?
Meanin of Al-Baqarah? Cow
Topic of Surah Hujraat?
Name of dignified months? 4 month
Meaning of "ihsan"?
Title ameen ul ummat to which sahabi?
1. Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich in 1908
2.Haryana, India, 3. Syed Quṭb ad-Dīn Aḥmad Walī Allāh ibn ‘Abd ar-Raḥīm al-‘Umarī ad-Dihlawī
Place of birth: Muzaffarnagar, India
Today's custom inspector test batch 1
PM imran khan's 1st official visit?
Saudia and ____ announced $6.4 billion package for pak?
Current secretary general of UNO?
Justice khosa is pak's __th CJ??
Who was killed in saudia embassy istanbul?
Oldest to win election? Mahatir Muhammad
Winner party of turkey election held in june 2018?
Tayyab erodgan secure ___% votes in june 2018 election?
Sun is a? Star
Most abundent element on earth's crust?
Most abundent element in universe
SI unit of charge?
Who gave theory of relativity?
Device that converts chemical energy into electrical?
Electric generator works on which principle?
Allama iqbal did ph.d from which uni?
When did Allama iqbal give famous Allah abad address?
Real name of Shah Wali ullah?
Shah wali ullah was born in?
Liaqat ali khan was born in?
Allama iqbal become member of Punjab council in?
Meanin of Al-Baqarah?
Topic of Surah Hujraat?
Name of dignified months?
Meaning of "ihsan"?
Custom inspector test today
Pakistan study etc
1.allama iqbal became membee of punjan council in which year??
2.which party bycot first round table meeting
3.sir syed ahmad retired from brtish serves as???
4.shah waliuulah name??
5.liquat ali khan born which city??
6.shah waliuulah born in which city??
7.allama ibal famious ala abad speech in which year??
8.allam iqbal phd from which university and country
9.un secetory general name??
10.on 14 may 2018 which country allow israel to shift it capital to ??
11.how much percent vote rajab tayyep eradogon got in election??
12.which party won election in turkey 2018
13.bicks summit in which country held in 2018
14..who is the oldest leader selected in election
Today's Custom Inspector Test:
Batch 1
Allama Iqbal PHD from which University
Liaqat Ali Khan birth place
Shah Waliullah real name and birth place
Pak china bus to Kashgar started
Which country withdrawn from OPEC
Asif Saeed Khosa became __ CJ of Pakistan
Allama Iqbal elected member of Punjab council in ?
Pakistani Muslim woman became American judge recently name
Turkish elections in June 2018 won by which party
Turkish president Erdogan secured what percent of votes
BRICS 10th Summit held in ? Month and Country
Some questions from first batch (Today) custom inspector:
Allama Iqbal PHD from which University
Liaqat Ali Khan birth place
Shah Waliullah real name and birth place
Pak china bus to Kashgar started
Which country withdrawn from OPEC
Asif Saeed Khosa became __ CJ of Pakistan
Allama Iqbal elected member of Punjab council in ?
Pakistani Muslim woman became American judge recently name
Turkish elections in June 2018 won by which party
Turkish president Erdogan secured what percent of votes
BRICS 10th Summit held in ? Month and Country
Customer inspector today test
Every day science section
1.hydrogen positive charge is
2.ph of neutral solution
3.abundant element in universe
4.abundant elemnt on earth crust
5.uncertainity principle was presented by???
6.nuclear reactors works on principle of??
7.electro generator works on principle of??
8.corpuscular theory of light was presented by
9.optical fibre work on principl of
10.bonding between nutron and proton in nucleas is called??
11.sun is a???
12.theory of relativety was presented by
13.hydrogen in sun is 73 percent and 23 percent is which gas
14.radioactivity was discovered by
15.device that change chemical energy in electrical
16.unit of charge
[More ..]
FPSC Custom Inspector 24 April 2019 Batch 2 Test | Original Paper
FPSC Custom Inspector 25 April 2019 Batch 3 Test | Original Paper
FPSC Custom Inspector 25 April 2019 Batch 4 Test | Original Paper
FPSC Custom Inspector 26 April 2019 Batch 5 Test | Original Paper
Math portion (Batch I) updated [ Received from candidate at 09:15 PM]
1) 5.3% = ?
2) Ratio of 80 and 640
3) 25% of 500
4) what is value x of x:5::12:30
5) 30% is of 300 =?
6) (x-3) : x = (x+6): (x+3) what is value of x
7) Percentage of 0.047=?
8) Ratio of 7.5 & 3.5
9) Percentage 1/2 % 1/4 =?
10) 5:10::12:24
a) complex b) Compoud
11) 0.2% fractional =?
12) What is No of 160 in 20% = ?
13) How much No will be 50 to 150 divided with 13=?
14) No of multiple 4 by 13
13, 26, 39, 52
1. What is Moon? (A) Satellite (B) Star (C) Both A & B Ans . Satellite
2. Neutron has which charge? (A) Neutral (B) Positive (C) Negative (D) Positive Ans. Neutral
3. What is meant by flow of current? Flow of Electron
4. What is freezing point of Water? 0 Degree Centigrade
5. In which year Muslim league come into being? 1906
6. Who was the First president of Pakistan Muslim League? Chaudary Khaliquzaman
7. Which melts in room temperature? Mercury
8. Who is the current chairman of the Senate of Pakistan? Sadiq Sanjrani
9. What is Soap? (A) Salt (B) Base (C) Acid (D) None of the Above
10. What type of gas is used in electric bulb? None of these(use Argon, neon etc)
11. Who is current king of Saudi Arabia? King Salman
12. By whom martial law was imposed in 1977? General Zia ul Haq
13. By whom constitution was abrogated in 1958? Sikandar Mirza
14. Who is current chancellor of Germany? Angela Markel
15. Who was the Second prime minister of Pakistan? Khawaja Nazim ud din
16. Who murdered Hazrat Ali R.A? Abdal-Rahman ibn Muljam
17. Zakat obliged in which Hijri Year ? 2.A.H
18. Battle of Trench happened in which year? 5 Hijri
19. Capital of Australia? Canberra
20. Who accompanied in Hijrat to Hazrat Muhammat PBUH? Hazrat Abu Bakar R.A
21. What is meant by Evolution? Continuous
22. What is meant by Zamzam ? Stop flowing
23. After one unit in 1955 who become Chief minister of West Pakistan? Dr Khan Sahib(Khan Abdul Jabbar Khan)
24. In 1946 who is the Minister of Finance? Liaquat Ali Khan
25. Simon Commission report presented in which year ? 1930
26. in which year Capital changed to Delhi from Calcutta ? 1911
27. What is meant by Dry ice? Solid Carbon dioxide
28. Indus Basin Treaty was signed in which year ? 1960
29. ILO stands for what ? International Labor Organization
31. Kashghar is situated in which country ? China
32. Pakistan and China are connected with which pass? Khunjerab Pass
33. Who is the Author of Lolyal Muhammaden ? Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
34. Hormuz Strait lies between? Gulf of Oman and the Persian Gulf
35. One uni abolished by whom? Yahya khan
36. Jaliawala Bagh Massacre occured at? Amrster 1919
37. Sindh separated ifrom Bombay in which Indian Act? Govt of India Act 1935
39. After 1946 election who was the CM of NWFP? Dr. Khan Sahib(Khan Abdul Jabbar Khan)
40. Which country is a landlocked country? Nepal
41. Who is the current Prime Minister of Iraq? Haider al Abidi
42. What is the new name of Burma? Myanmar
2nd source (question from social media)
2) UN secretary general is *António Guterres*
3) *America* officially moved its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem in Israel.
4) Asif Saeed Khan Khosa is the *26th* and current Chief Justice of Pakistan, in office since 18 January 2019
5) Allama Iqbal was elected as a member of Punjab Legislative Assembly in *1926*
6) PM Imran khan paid his first official visit to *Saudi Arabia* on 18–19 September
7) the first China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) passenger bus service was launched on *Nov 3 2018*
8) *Nov 28, 2018* - Prime Minister Imran Khan on Wednesday performed the ground-breaking of the four kilometre-long Kartarpur Corridor
9) *Qatar* announced withdraw from the OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries)
10) Saudi Arabia *UAE* to announce $6.2 billion package for Pakistan
11) Allama Iqbal obtained his PhD in Philosophy from *Munich University*.
12) *Congress party* bycott from counter table conference
13) Tayyip Erdogan has secured *53.6%* of votes to be President
14) In Turky *AK Party* secured highiest vote to form Government
15) *Jamaal Khashoggi* was Assisinated inside the Saudi consulate in Istanbul
16) who gave theory of relativity *Albert Einstein*
17) Liaqat Ali Khan birth place....*karnal*
18) Shah Waliullah real name *qutabuddin ahmad* and birth place *muzarfar garh*
19) Oldest to win election? *Mahatir Muhammad*
20) SI unit of charge? *Coulomb*
21) Who gave theory of relativity? *Einstein*
22) Device that converts chemical energy into electrical? *Battery*
23) Meaning of Al-Baqarah? *Cow*
24) BRICS 10th Summit held in ? *Johannesburg, South Africa*
25) Meaning of "ihsan"? *Perfection*
1. Allama Iqbal PHD from which University. Munich uni. Germany
2. Liaqat Ali Khan birth place....karnal
3. Shah Waliullah real name and birth place qutabuddin ahmad muzarfar garh
Pak china bus to Kashgar to lahore started on 3 Nov 2018
Which country withdrawn from OPEC...qatar
Asif Saeed Khosa became __ CJ of Pakistan...26th
Allama Iqbal elected member of Punjab council in ? 1926
Pakistani Muslim woman became American judge recently name. Rabia Coiler
Turkish elections in June 2018 won by which party. Justice and development party
Turkish president Erdogan secured what percent of votes 52.59%
BRICS 10th Summit held in ? Month and Country. Johannesburg, South Africa
Kertarpur inauguration ceremony by pm on which date?? 28 Nov 2018
Oldest election winning pm???
Imran khan first official visit to which country?? Saudi Arabia
Today's custom inspector test batch 1
PM imran khan's 1st official visit?
Saudia and ____ announced $6.4 billion package for pak?
Current secretary general of UNO?
Justice khosa is pak's __th CJ??
Who was killed in saudia embassy istanbul?
Oldest to win election? Mahatir Muhammad
Winner party of turkey election held in june 2018?
Tayyab erodgan secure ___% votes in june 2018 election?
Sun is a? Star
Most abundent element on earth's crust? Oxygen
Most abundent element in universe? Hydrogen
SI unit of charge? Ampere
Who gave theory of relativity? Einstein
Device that converts chemical energy into electrical? Battery
Electric generator works on which principle?
Meanin of Al-Baqarah? Cow
Topic of Surah Hujraat?
Name of dignified months? 4 month
Meaning of "ihsan"?
Title ameen ul ummat to which sahabi?
1. Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich in 1908
2.Haryana, India, 3. Syed Quṭb ad-Dīn Aḥmad Walī Allāh ibn ‘Abd ar-Raḥīm al-‘Umarī ad-Dihlawī
Place of birth: Muzaffarnagar, India
Today's custom inspector test batch 1
PM imran khan's 1st official visit?
Saudia and ____ announced $6.4 billion package for pak?
Current secretary general of UNO?
Justice khosa is pak's __th CJ??
Who was killed in saudia embassy istanbul?
Oldest to win election? Mahatir Muhammad
Winner party of turkey election held in june 2018?
Tayyab erodgan secure ___% votes in june 2018 election?
Sun is a? Star
Most abundent element on earth's crust?
Most abundent element in universe
SI unit of charge?
Who gave theory of relativity?
Device that converts chemical energy into electrical?
Electric generator works on which principle?
Allama iqbal did ph.d from which uni?
When did Allama iqbal give famous Allah abad address?
Real name of Shah Wali ullah?
Shah wali ullah was born in?
Liaqat ali khan was born in?
Allama iqbal become member of Punjab council in?
Meanin of Al-Baqarah?
Topic of Surah Hujraat?
Name of dignified months?
Meaning of "ihsan"?
Custom inspector test today
Pakistan study etc
1.allama iqbal became membee of punjan council in which year??
2.which party bycot first round table meeting
3.sir syed ahmad retired from brtish serves as???
4.shah waliuulah name??
5.liquat ali khan born which city??
6.shah waliuulah born in which city??
7.allama ibal famious ala abad speech in which year??
8.allam iqbal phd from which university and country
9.un secetory general name??
10.on 14 may 2018 which country allow israel to shift it capital to ??
11.how much percent vote rajab tayyep eradogon got in election??
12.which party won election in turkey 2018
13.bicks summit in which country held in 2018
14..who is the oldest leader selected in election
Today's Custom Inspector Test:
Batch 1
Allama Iqbal PHD from which University
Liaqat Ali Khan birth place
Shah Waliullah real name and birth place
Pak china bus to Kashgar started
Which country withdrawn from OPEC
Asif Saeed Khosa became __ CJ of Pakistan
Allama Iqbal elected member of Punjab council in ?
Pakistani Muslim woman became American judge recently name
Turkish elections in June 2018 won by which party
Turkish president Erdogan secured what percent of votes
BRICS 10th Summit held in ? Month and Country
Some questions from first batch (Today) custom inspector:
Allama Iqbal PHD from which University
Liaqat Ali Khan birth place
Shah Waliullah real name and birth place
Pak china bus to Kashgar started
Which country withdrawn from OPEC
Asif Saeed Khosa became __ CJ of Pakistan
Allama Iqbal elected member of Punjab council in ?
Pakistani Muslim woman became American judge recently name
Turkish elections in June 2018 won by which party
Turkish president Erdogan secured what percent of votes
BRICS 10th Summit held in ? Month and Country
Customer inspector today test
Every day science section
1.hydrogen positive charge is
2.ph of neutral solution
3.abundant element in universe
4.abundant elemnt on earth crust
5.uncertainity principle was presented by???
6.nuclear reactors works on principle of??
7.electro generator works on principle of??
8.corpuscular theory of light was presented by
9.optical fibre work on principl of
10.bonding between nutron and proton in nucleas is called??
11.sun is a???
12.theory of relativety was presented by
13.hydrogen in sun is 73 percent and 23 percent is which gas
14.radioactivity was discovered by
15.device that change chemical energy in electrical
16.unit of charge
[More ..]
FPSC Custom Inspector 24 April 2019 Batch 2 Test | Original Paper
FPSC Custom Inspector 25 April 2019 Batch 3 Test | Original Paper
FPSC Custom Inspector 25 April 2019 Batch 4 Test | Original Paper
FPSC Custom Inspector 26 April 2019 Batch 5 Test | Original Paper