PPSC Junior Clerk BS-11 | 17th February 2019 | Solved Paper

PPSC Junior Clerk BS-11 Paper Questions 17th February 2019

Questions and Answers 

1. Pak won how many Gold in 2010 games in india...2
2. Wich caliphate died natural death..Hazrat Abubakr(R.A)
3. Colums & mathmstics work.....Excel
4. orthography study of...Spelling
5. 2nd lagrest city of punjab by population...faislabad
6. when pak Badmintn formed..1953
7. Unionist party formed....1923
8. Qauid e azam 14 point....1929
9. To hit the nail on head...exact point
10. Horticulter study of...Garden
11. Youngest mountain Rang...Himalya
12. Dar es salaam city of....Tanzania
13. how many time pak become Olympic champion...3
14. Ping pong another name of....Table tenis
15. War of independence..1857
16. First War after partition on wich issue....kashmir
17. Nishanhaidar...All
18. safty pin discovered by..Walter Hunt.
19. astor diatrict in...Gilgit baltistan
20. Pishawer high court chueif justice...
21.unopposes candidate.????
22. PM zafarullsh khan jamali had been president of Pak Hockey federation
23. LOC lenth..740km
24. Malik ghulam abolished assmbly of M Ali bogra
25. Imam bukhari real name..M bin ismail
26. PSL2018 winner...islamabad united
27.English channel seprated England from...France
28. Llfar nobel founded...Dynamite
29. California is...state of USA
30. NSP stand for..Nuclear supplier group
31. LNG stand for...Liquified natural gas
32. PM imran....22th
33. President elected by....All assemblies
34. Name of pskistan....Ch rehmat ali
35. Hazrrat Muhammad (P.B.U.C) lived with Hazrar Abdulmutlib...2 years
36. Page Orientation
37.Photoediter ...powerpoint
38.Double short....Tenis
39. Hiroshima bomb name..Litle boy
40. south pole.....Antarcatica
41. Tusnami word of .....Japanies
42.WWF silver flywieght champion...M waseem
43. 2x+2x+2x=12...find 2x-1=...?????
44. Cost orice 60...profite 20%. Total price........72
45. B=1 b'3/b'2===1
46. 1500 is 15% of....10000
47. averige of 9 innings..in 10th inning score 100...increase 8 percent..what will be new avriage....28
48. abstruct noune.......???
49. Hazrat Humar(R.A) father name...Khattab
50. Ghazwa e badr... 2 A.H
51. Ushar.....Agruculter yeild
52. Albania capital....Tirana
53. Austria capital ...viena
54. international court of justice HQ....Hague
55. World Economic forum meet evry yeae in which city...Davos
56. synonyme of Ensemble...Group of musicians
57. Rock on Galiciar...Alviuim
58. Sodium cloride...salt
59. To rob peter to pay... poul
60. Email sing...@
61. Synonyme of felicination?????????
62. Dageo gracie....Indian ocean
63. afganistan district with Durind line...paktika
63. UNA formed....1945
64. Patronas tower... Kula lampur
65. Amnesty international for....Huma rights
66. Chane voice....??
67. Rohingya muslims in...Myanmar
68.Debut....first appearence
68. ICE melting piont...32*F
70. ------
71. Roz e murra???
72 .------
73. Khusi k moqy py istimal hony waly alfaaz kia kehlaty hain..Hurof insbsat
75. ahakir al amin musium 1975
76. 200 math Questiin? ????
77. Abstract noun.. Can not seen and touched
78. indian partition plan called...3rd june plan
79.Different computer connect with each other means...Network
80.Wich is mostly used search engine...Google
81.what is mean of WROM???
82.Sub judice means....Under judicial consideration
83."Don't put your eggs in"...Basket
84.آپ صل اللہ علیہ وسلم نبوت سے پہلے کونسی غار میں رہتے تھے۔۔حراا
85. "بنت النعت" سے کیا مراد ہے۔۔۔۔انگور کی بیٹی( شراب) 
86. علامہ اقبال کی اردو اور فارسی میں چھپنے والی کتاب کا نام؟ 
87.خاکوں پر مبنی کتاب " اوکھے لوگ" کس نے لکھی. ؟
88. جوتیاں چٹخانا سے کیا مراد.۔۔ مارے مارے پھرنا
89.بال بیکا کرنے سے کیا مراد ۔۔نقصان پہنچانا
90.علامہ اقبال کب سے کب تک یورپ میں رہے. -1 908-1905
91. آثارالثنادید کس نے لکھی.سر سید احمد خان
92. ۔ مسابقت۔ ۔۔۔مقابلا
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