Punjab Public Service Commission Lecturer English BS-17 Past Paper | Original Paper Mcqs
1) Who belongs to the Absurd School of Drama?
(a) Shaw (b) Beckett (c) Pinter (d) Eliot (e) None of these
2) To the Light House” is written by:
(a) Lawrence (b) Dylan Thomas (c) Hemingway (d) Forster (e) None of these
3) I am too much in the sun in “Hamlet” is spoken by:
(a) Polonius (b) Claudius (c) Hamlet (d) Ophelia (e) None of these
4) “Ullyses” is written by:
(a) James Joyce (b) Virginia Woolf (c) Hardy (d) Forster (e) None of these
5) Elizabeth is a character from Jane Austen’s:
(a) Emma (b) Pride and Prejudice (c) Mansfield Palck (d) Northanger Abby (e) None of these
6) “Tear Idle Tears” is a poem by:
(a) Frost (b) Browning (c) Yeats (d) Eliot (e) None of these
7) “Thought Fox” is written by:
(a) Ted Hughes (b) Philip Larkin (c) Heaney (d) Sylvia Plath (e) None of these
8) “Major Barbra” is written by:
(a) Beckett (b) Pinter (c) Eliot (d) Shaw (e) None of these
9) Lilliput is a character from:
(a) Gulliver’s Travels (b) Pygmalion (c) Sons & lovers (d) Old man and the sea (e) None of these
10) “Fire and Ice” is written by:
(a) Eliot (b) Yeats (c) Frost (d) Auden (e) None of these
11) Swift belong to:
(a) Renassiance period (b) Restoration (c) Romantic period (d) Augustan age (e) None of these
12) The Novel of Lawrence banned by the government was:
(a) Sons and Lovers (b) Lady Chatterley’s Lover (c) Women in Love (d) The Rainbow (e) None of these
13) “Undo this Button” is a line from Shakespeare’s:
(a) Hamlet (b) Othello (c) King Lear (d) Julius Caeser (e) None of these
14) “Ode to Psyche” is a poem by:
(a) Milton (b) Byron (c) Keats (d) Blake (e) None of these
15) “I am no Prince Hamlet” is a line written by:
(a) Shakespeare (b) Yeats (c) Eliot (d) Auden (e) None of these
16) “Things fall apart” is a line from Yeats’s:
(a) Among School Children (b) Byzentium (c) Sailing to Byzentium (d) The Second coming (e) None of these
17) “Good flences make good neighbours” is from Frosts’:
(a) Revelation (b) Mending (c) Pasture (d) Birches (e) None of these
18) ‘April is the Cruelest month of all is taken from Eliot’s:
(a) The Wasteland (b) The Hollow men (c) East Coker (d) Prufrock (e) None of these
19) “A Farewell to Arms” is written by:
(a) Faulkner (b) Hemmingway (c) James Joyce (d) Virginia Woolf (e) None of these
20) “A passage to India” is written by:
(a) Forester (b) Conrad (c) Lawrence (d) Hardy (e) None of these
21) “Ode to West Wind was written by:
(a) Keats (b) Shelley (c) Byron (d) Blake (e) None of these
22) Keats was born in:
(a) 1770 (b) 1779 (c) 1795 (d) 1790 (e) None of these
23. Dream Children was written by:
(a) Leigh Hunt (b) Charles Lamb (c) Hazzlit (d) Ruskin (e) None of these
24) “Picture of Dorian Gray” was written by:
(a) Oscar Wild (b) Dickens (c) Hardy (d) George Eliot (e) None of these
25) Ruskin belonged to:
(a) Romantic age (b) Modern age (c) Victorian age (d) Augustan age (e) None of these
26) Wordsworth lived from:
(a) 1770 – 1832 (b) 1775 – 1859 (c) 1770 – 1850 (d) 1770 – 1802 (e) None of these
27) Heroes and Hero Worship” was written by:
(a) Mill (b) Carlyle (c) Macaulay (d) Coleridge (e) None of these
28) “Fair Seed time had my Soul” is from:
(a) Ode to autumn (b) To a Highland girl (c) Ancient Mariner (d) Child Harold’s Pilgrimage (e) None of these
29) “Great Expectations” was written by:
(a) George Eliot (b) Thackeray (c) Hardy (d) Dickens (e) None of these
30) “Lotus Eaters” is written by:
(a) Tennyson (b) Browning (c) Mathew Arnold (d) Hardy (e) None of these
31) Lamb, Leigh Haut and Hazzlit are:
(a) Poets (b) Dramatists (c) Essayists (d) Novelists (e) None of these
32) “My Last Duchess” was written by:
(a) Keats (b) Coleridge (c) Tennyson (d) Browning (e) None of these
33) Emity Bronte is the writer of:
(a) Wuthering Heights (b) Emma (c) Under the greenwood Tree (d) Mr Chips (e) None of these
34) “Poetry is a spontaneous overflow of powerful feeling” is a definition of poetry by:
(a) Keats (b) Wordsworth (c) Shelley (d) Coleridge (e) None of these
35) “Heard Melodies are sweet but those unheard are sweeter” is a line from:
(a) Ode on a Grecian Urn (b) Ode to a nightingale (c) The Prelude (d) Ode to Autumn (e) None of these
36) “Waverley” was written by:
(a) Scott (b) Hardy (c) Jane Austen (d) Dickens (e) None of these
(37) “We are Seven” is written by:
(a) Keats (b) Shelly (c) Byron (d) Hardy (e) None of these
38) “Past and present” is written by:
(a) Mill (b) Lamb (c) Hazlitt (d) Carlyle (e) None of these
39) “Modern Painters” is written by:
(a) Ruskin (b) Carlyle (c) Mill (d) Macaulay (e) None of these
40) “Byron is the” writer of:
(a) Don Jaun (b) Prometheus Unbound (c) Adonias (d) Lucy Gray (e) None of these
41) In Shakespeare’s Tragedies Character is not Destiny but there is Character and Destiny is a remark by:
(a) Nicoll (b) Goddord (c) Bradley (d) Coleridge (e) None of these
42) “How came he dead? I shall not be juggled with: Tohell allegiance! Vows, to the blackest devil! Is a speech in Hamlet spoken by:
(a) Hamlet (b) Laertes (c) Polonius (d) Claudius (e) None of these
43) Aspect of the Novel is written by:
(a) David Cecil (b) Walter Allen (c) Arnold Kettle (d) E.M. Forster (e) None of these
44) Lotos Eaters is a poem by:
(a) Browning (b) Tennyson (c) Yeats (d) Frost (e) None of these
45) ‘The Hollow Men’ is written by:
(a) T.S. Eliot (b) Ezra Pound (c) Yeats (d) Larkin (e) None of these
46) William Faulkner was awarded Nobel Prize for literature in:
(a) 1949 (b) 1950 (c) 1951 (d) 1953 (e) None of these
47) G.B. Shaw was awarded Nobel Prize for literature in:
(a) 1925 (b) 1929 (c) 1930 (d) 1949 (e) None of these
48 ‘The Winding Stair’ is written by:
(a) Ted Hughes (b) T.S. Eliot (c) W.B. Yeats (d) W.H. Auden (e) None of these
49) ‘Murder in the Cathedral’ is a play written by:
(a) Shakespeare (b) Marlowe (c) Oscar Wilde (d) T.S. Eliot (e) None of these
50) ‘The Rainbow’ is a novel written by:
(a) Hemingway (b) Virginia Woolf (c) E.M. Forster (d) D.H. Lawrence (e) None of these
51. The main character in Paradise Lost Book I and Book II is?
(A) God (B) Satan (C) Adam (D) Eve
52. In Sons and Lovers, Paul Morel’s mother’s name is?
(A)Susan (B)Jane (C)Gertrude (D) Emily
53. The twins in Lord of the Flies are?
(A) Ralph and Jack (B) Simon and Eric (C) Ralph and Eric (D) Simon and Jack
54. Mr. Jaggers, in Great Expectations, is a
(A) lawyer (B) postman (C) Judge (D) School teacher
55. What does ‘I’ stand for in the following line? ‘To Carthage then I came’
(A) Buddha (B) Tiresias (c) Smyrna Merchant (D) Augustine
56. The following lines are an example _____ of image.‘The river sweats Oil and tar’
(A) visual (B) kinetic (C) erotic (D) sensual
57. Which of the following novels has the sub-title ‘A Novel Without a Hero’?
(A) Vanity Fair (B) Middlemarch (C) Wuthering Heights (D) Oliver Twist
58. In ‘Leda and the Swan’, who wooes Leda in guise of a swan?
(A) Mars (B) Hercules (C) Zeus (D) Bacchus
59. Who invented the term ‘Sprung rhythm’?
(A) Hopkins (B) Tennyson (C) Browning (D) Wordsworth
60.Who wrote the poem ‘Defence of Lucknow’?
(A) Browning (B) Tennyson (C) Swinburne (D) Rossetti
PPSC Lecturer English Past Paper 2014
1)Repetition of same vowel sound ?
2)The poet who used extensive alliteration ?
3)Withering heights written by ?
4)The poem “Byzantium” is written about ?
Imaginary city
5)Carl sad burg born at ?
PPSC Lecturer English Past Paper 2014
1)Repetition of same vowel sound ?
2)The poet who used extensive alliteration ?
3)Withering heights written by ?
4)The poem “Byzantium” is written about ?
Imaginary city
5)Carl sad burg born at ?
6)T.S Eliot was ?
Irish poet
7)Wasteland of Eliot is dedicated to ?
Ezra Pound
8)Shakespeare acted in one of plays of ?
Ben Johnson
9)Elizabeth Sewell born in ?
10) Linguistics is combination of ______ words ?
6)T.S Eliot was ?
Irish poet
7)Wasteland of Eliot is dedicated to ?
Ezra Pound
8)Shakespeare acted in one of plays of ?
Ben Johnson
9)Elizabeth Sewell born in ?
10) Linguistics is combination of ______ words ?
11)Sound produced with obstruction of air ?
11)Sound produced with obstruction of air ?
12)Semantics meaning ?
Study of meanings
13)Word language consists of two_____ words
14)Simon is character in one of ________ novels
15)”Everyman in his humor” written by ?
Ben johnson
16) Caretaker written by ?
17)Waiting for Godot’s original language ?
18) Stream of consciousness ?
Virginia Woolf
19) “Sejanus” is satirical tragedy by ?
Ben johnson
20)Unified sensibility ?
21)Winding Stair is poem by ?
22) Synaethesia
Unification of senses
23) Time machine-the invisible man written by ?
H.G Wells
24)The egoist written by ?
George Meredith
25) Hardy’s own classification of novels?
26) George Eliot wrote Adam Bede at age of ? I wrote 20 but it was 40
27)Age of George Eliot ?
Study of meanings
13)Word language consists of two_____ words
14)Simon is character in one of ________ novels
15)”Everyman in his humor” written by ?
Ben johnson
16) Caretaker written by ?
17)Waiting for Godot’s original language ?
18) Stream of consciousness ?
Virginia Woolf
19) “Sejanus” is satirical tragedy by ?
Ben johnson
20)Unified sensibility ?
21)Winding Stair is poem by ?
22) Synaethesia
Unification of senses
23) Time machine-the invisible man written by ?
H.G Wells
24)The egoist written by ?
George Meredith
25) Hardy’s own classification of novels?
26) George Eliot wrote Adam Bede at age of ? I wrote 20 but it was 40
27)Age of George Eliot ?
28) Chaucer was ?
sarcastic poet
sarcastic poet
29)Renaissance period ?
30)King Lear written in ?
1603 to 1606
31)17th century’s historical event ?
Famine or Civil war
32) Paradise lost was written in ?
33) 1660 – 1790 is rise of ?
34) Literature became secular towards end of ?
35) Tragicomedy of Shakespeare is also called ?
Reconciliation play
36) Type of literature,art or music is called ?
37) Enthusiastic addiction to study of Greek and Roman antiquity led to ? None (Because it led to Hellenism, romantism
30)King Lear written in ?
1603 to 1606
31)17th century’s historical event ?
Famine or Civil war
32) Paradise lost was written in ?
33) 1660 – 1790 is rise of ?
34) Literature became secular towards end of ?
35) Tragicomedy of Shakespeare is also called ?
Reconciliation play
36) Type of literature,art or music is called ?
37) Enthusiastic addiction to study of Greek and Roman antiquity led to ? None (Because it led to Hellenism, romantism
38) Prospero was protagonist of ?
Pata nae
39) Age of Pope is called?
40) Metaphysical poet is essay by ?
T.S Eliot
41) Treatise on liberty written by ?
42) Figure of speech,exaggeration for emphasis ?
43) Adonis written for ?
44) Songs of innocence and experience belong to ?
William Blake
45) Original title of Pride and Prejudice First Impressions
46) Shelley’s first work? Queen Mab
47) First writer of Picaresque novel ?
48) The road not taken by Frost is included in his collection ?
Mountain Interval
49) Bacon was intellectually great but morally weak.Who said this ?
50) Swift’s irony fused into ? humor
51) Nothing is beneath science,nor above science.who said ?
52) Bird in “Ancient mariner” ?
53) Milton got blind in age of ?
54) Hemingway’s nick in later age ?
55) Donne’s faith ?
56) John Keats gave up career of ____ to become a poet farming or medicine
57) Poet who studied at Cambridge but got no degree ? pata nae
58) Which century is most important epoch in intellectual history ?
59) During age of Chaucer,England passed through ?
60) Marlow’s primitive tragedy ?
61) Shakespeare comedy rival ?
62) Shakespeare comedy contain continental and ?
63) Shakespeare’s heroines have ?
Feminine traits
64) Who emerged as philosopher in “Merchant of Venice” ?
65) Which play started with incident of ship wreck ?
66) Sir Gwain and Green knight poems were written in ___ age
67) Process of introducing new words ?
68) War between flesh and spirit in which novel of Hardy ?
69) Norman conquest in ?
70) Queen Elizabeth descended throne from ?
1) Who belongs to the Absurd School of Drama?
(a) Shaw (b) Beckett (c) Pinter
(d) Eliot (e) None of these
2) To the Light House” is written by:
(a) Lawrence (b) Dylan Thomas (c) Hemingway
(d) Forster (e) None of these
3) I am too much in the sun in “Hamlet” is spoken by:
(a) Polonius (b) Claudius (c) Hamlet (d) Ophelia (e) None of these 4) “Ullyses” is written by:
(a) James Joyce (b) Virginia Woolf (c) Hardy
(d) Forster (e) None of these
5) Elizabeth is a character from Jane Austen’s:
(a) Emma (b) Pride and Prejudice (c) Mansfield Palck (d) Northanger Abby (e) None of these 6) “Tear Idle Tears” is a poem by:
(a) Frost (b) Browning (c) Yeats
(d) Eliot (e) None of these 7) “Thought Fox” is written by:
(a) Ted Hughes (b) Philip Larkin (c) Heaney (d) Sylvia Plath (e) None of these 8) “Major Barbra” is written by:
(a) Beckett (b) Pinter (c) Eliot
(d) Shaw (e) None of these
9) Lilliput is a character from:
(a) Gulliver’s Travels (b) Pygmalion (c) Sons & lovers (d) Old man and the sea (e) None of these 10) “Fire and Ice” is written by:
(a) Eliot (b) Yeats (c) Frost
(d) Auden (e) None of these
11) Swift belong to:
(a) Renassiance period (b) Restoration (c) Romantic period
(d) Augustan age (e) None of these
12) The Novel of Lawrence banned by the government was:
(a) Sons and Lovers (b) Lady Chatterley’s Lover (c) Women in Love
(d) The Rainbow (e) None of these
13) “Undo this Button” is a line from Shakespeare’s:
(a) Hamlet (b) Othello (c) King Lear (d) Julius Caeser (e) None of these 14) “Ode to Psyche” is a poem by:
(a) Milton (b) Byron (c) Keats
(d) Blake (e) None of these
15) “I am no Prince Hamlet” is a line written by:
(a) Shakespeare (b) Yeats (c) Eliot
(d) Auden (e) None of these
16) “Things fall apart” is a line from Yeats’s:
(a) Among School Children (b) Byzentium (c) Sailing to Byzentium
(d) The Second coming (e) None of these
17) “Good flences make good neighbours” is from Frosts’:
(a) Revelation (b) Mending (c) Pasture
(d) Birches (e) None of these
18) ‘April is the Cruelest month of all is taken from Eliot’s:
(a) The Wasteland (b) The Hollow men (c) East Coker
(d) Prufrock (e) None of these 19) “A Farewell to Arms” is written by:
(a) Faulkner (b) Hemmingway (c) James Joyce
(d) Virginia Woolf (e) None of these 20) “A passage to India” is written by:
(a) Forester (b) Conrad (c) Lawrence
(d) Hardy (e) None of these
21) “Ode to West Wind was written by:
(a) Keats (b) Shelley (c) Byron (d) Blake (e) None of these 22) Keats was born in:
(a) 1770 (b) 1779 (c) 1795
(d) 1790 (e) None of these 23. Dream Children was written by:
(a) Leigh Hunt (b) Charles Lamb (c) Hazzlit
(d) Ruskin (e) None of these
24) “Picture of Dorian Gray” was written by:
(a) Oscar Wild (b) Dickens (c) Hardy
(d) George Eliot (e) None of these 25) Ruskin belonged to:
(a) Romantic age (b) Modern age (c) Victorian age (d) Augustan age (e) None of these 26) Wordsworth lived from:
(a) 1770 – 1832 (b) 1775 – 1859 (c) 1770 – 1850
(d) 1770 – 1802 (e) None of these
27) Heroes and Hero Worship” was written by:
(a) Mill (b) Carlyle (c) Macaulay
(d) Coleridge (e) None of these
28) “Fair Seed time had my Soul” is from:
(a) Ode to autumn (b) To a Highland girl (c) Ancient Mariner (d) Child Harold’s Pilgrimage (e) None of these 29) “Great Expectations” was written by:
(a) George Eliot (b) Thackeray (c) Hardy
(d) Dickens (e) None of these 30) “Lotus Eaters” is written by:
(a) Tennyson (b) Browning (c) Mathew Arnold
(d) Hardy (e) None of these
31) Lamb, Leigh Haut and Hazzlit are:
(a) Poets (b) Dramatists (c) Essayists
(d) Novelists (e) None of these 32) “My Last Duchess” was written by:
(a) Keats (b) Coleridge (c) Tennyson
(d) Browning (e) None of these 33) Emity Bronte is the writer of:
(a) Wuthering Heights (b) Emma (c) Under the greenwood Tree
(d) Mr Chips (e) None of these
34) “Poetry is a spontaneous overflow of powerful feeling” is a definition of poetry by:
(a) Keats (b) Wordsworth (c) Shelley
(d) Coleridge (e) None of these
35) “Heard Melodies are sweet but those unheard are sweeter” is a line from:
(a) Ode on a Grecian Urn (b) Ode to a nightingale (c) The Prelude (d) Ode to Autumn (e) None of these 36) “Waverley” was written by:
(a) Scott (b) Hardy (c) Jane Austen
(d) Dickens (e) None of these (37) “We are Seven” is written by:
(a) Keats (b) Shelly (c) Byron
(d) Hardy (e) None of these
38) “Past and present” is written by:
(a) Mill (b) Lamb (c) Hazlitt
(d) Carlyle (e) None of these
39) “Modern Painters” is written by:
(a) Ruskin (b) Carlyle (c) Mill
(d) Macaulay (e) None of these 40) “Byron is the” writer of:
(a) Don Jaun (b) Prometheus Unbound (c) Adonias
(d) Lucy Gray (e) None of these
41 In Shakespeare’s Tragedies Character is not Destiny but there is Character and Destiny is a remark by:
(a) Nicoll (b) Goddord (c) Bradley
(d) Coleridge (e) None of these
42 “How came he dead? I shall not be juggled with: Tohell allegiance! Vows, to the blackest devil! Is a speech in Hamlet spoken by:
(a) Hamlet (b) Laertes (c) Polonius
(d) Claudius (e) None of these
43) Aspect of the Novel is written by:
(a) David Cecil (b) Walter Allen (c) Arnold Kettle (d) E.M. Forster (e) None of these 44) Lotos Eaters is a poem by:
(a) Browning (b) Tennyson (c) Yeats
(d) Frost (e) None of these
45) ‘The Hollow Men’ is written by:
(a) T.S. Eliot (b) Ezra Pound (c) Yeats
(d) Larkin (e) None of these
46) William Faulkner was awarded Nobel Prize for literature in:
(a) 1949 (b) 1950 (c) 1951
(d) 1953 (e) None of these
47) G.B. Shaw was awarded Nobel Prize for literature in:
(a) 1925 (b) 1929 (c) 1930
(d) 1949 (e) None of these
48 ‘The Winding Stair’ is written by:
(a) Ted Hughes (b) T.S. Eliot (c) W.B. Yeats
(d) W.H. Auden (e) None of these
49) ‘Murder in the Cathedral’ is a play written by:
(a) Shakespeare (b) Marlowe (c) Oscar Wilde (d) T.S. Eliot (e) None of these
Pata nae
39) Age of Pope is called?
40) Metaphysical poet is essay by ?
T.S Eliot
41) Treatise on liberty written by ?
42) Figure of speech,exaggeration for emphasis ?
43) Adonis written for ?
44) Songs of innocence and experience belong to ?
William Blake
45) Original title of Pride and Prejudice First Impressions
46) Shelley’s first work? Queen Mab
47) First writer of Picaresque novel ?
48) The road not taken by Frost is included in his collection ?
Mountain Interval
49) Bacon was intellectually great but morally weak.Who said this ?
50) Swift’s irony fused into ? humor
51) Nothing is beneath science,nor above science.who said ?
52) Bird in “Ancient mariner” ?
53) Milton got blind in age of ?
54) Hemingway’s nick in later age ?
55) Donne’s faith ?
56) John Keats gave up career of ____ to become a poet farming or medicine
57) Poet who studied at Cambridge but got no degree ? pata nae
58) Which century is most important epoch in intellectual history ?
59) During age of Chaucer,England passed through ?
60) Marlow’s primitive tragedy ?
61) Shakespeare comedy rival ?
62) Shakespeare comedy contain continental and ?
63) Shakespeare’s heroines have ?
Feminine traits
64) Who emerged as philosopher in “Merchant of Venice” ?
65) Which play started with incident of ship wreck ?
66) Sir Gwain and Green knight poems were written in ___ age
67) Process of introducing new words ?
68) War between flesh and spirit in which novel of Hardy ?
69) Norman conquest in ?
70) Queen Elizabeth descended throne from ?
Lecturer English MCQs Past Paper
1) Who belongs to the Absurd School of Drama?
(a) Shaw (b) Beckett (c) Pinter
(d) Eliot (e) None of these
2) To the Light House” is written by:
(a) Lawrence (b) Dylan Thomas (c) Hemingway
(d) Forster (e) None of these
3) I am too much in the sun in “Hamlet” is spoken by:
(a) Polonius (b) Claudius (c) Hamlet (d) Ophelia (e) None of these 4) “Ullyses” is written by:
(a) James Joyce (b) Virginia Woolf (c) Hardy
(d) Forster (e) None of these
5) Elizabeth is a character from Jane Austen’s:
(a) Emma (b) Pride and Prejudice (c) Mansfield Palck (d) Northanger Abby (e) None of these 6) “Tear Idle Tears” is a poem by:
(a) Frost (b) Browning (c) Yeats
(d) Eliot (e) None of these 7) “Thought Fox” is written by:
(a) Ted Hughes (b) Philip Larkin (c) Heaney (d) Sylvia Plath (e) None of these 8) “Major Barbra” is written by:
(a) Beckett (b) Pinter (c) Eliot
(d) Shaw (e) None of these
9) Lilliput is a character from:
(a) Gulliver’s Travels (b) Pygmalion (c) Sons & lovers (d) Old man and the sea (e) None of these 10) “Fire and Ice” is written by:
(a) Eliot (b) Yeats (c) Frost
(d) Auden (e) None of these
11) Swift belong to:
(a) Renassiance period (b) Restoration (c) Romantic period
(d) Augustan age (e) None of these
12) The Novel of Lawrence banned by the government was:
(a) Sons and Lovers (b) Lady Chatterley’s Lover (c) Women in Love
(d) The Rainbow (e) None of these
13) “Undo this Button” is a line from Shakespeare’s:
(a) Hamlet (b) Othello (c) King Lear (d) Julius Caeser (e) None of these 14) “Ode to Psyche” is a poem by:
(a) Milton (b) Byron (c) Keats
(d) Blake (e) None of these
15) “I am no Prince Hamlet” is a line written by:
(a) Shakespeare (b) Yeats (c) Eliot
(d) Auden (e) None of these
16) “Things fall apart” is a line from Yeats’s:
(a) Among School Children (b) Byzentium (c) Sailing to Byzentium
(d) The Second coming (e) None of these
17) “Good flences make good neighbours” is from Frosts’:
(a) Revelation (b) Mending (c) Pasture
(d) Birches (e) None of these
18) ‘April is the Cruelest month of all is taken from Eliot’s:
(a) The Wasteland (b) The Hollow men (c) East Coker
(d) Prufrock (e) None of these 19) “A Farewell to Arms” is written by:
(a) Faulkner (b) Hemmingway (c) James Joyce
(d) Virginia Woolf (e) None of these 20) “A passage to India” is written by:
(a) Forester (b) Conrad (c) Lawrence
(d) Hardy (e) None of these
21) “Ode to West Wind was written by:
(a) Keats (b) Shelley (c) Byron (d) Blake (e) None of these 22) Keats was born in:
(a) 1770 (b) 1779 (c) 1795
(d) 1790 (e) None of these 23. Dream Children was written by:
(a) Leigh Hunt (b) Charles Lamb (c) Hazzlit
(d) Ruskin (e) None of these
24) “Picture of Dorian Gray” was written by:
(a) Oscar Wild (b) Dickens (c) Hardy
(d) George Eliot (e) None of these 25) Ruskin belonged to:
(a) Romantic age (b) Modern age (c) Victorian age (d) Augustan age (e) None of these 26) Wordsworth lived from:
(a) 1770 – 1832 (b) 1775 – 1859 (c) 1770 – 1850
(d) 1770 – 1802 (e) None of these
27) Heroes and Hero Worship” was written by:
(a) Mill (b) Carlyle (c) Macaulay
(d) Coleridge (e) None of these
28) “Fair Seed time had my Soul” is from:
(a) Ode to autumn (b) To a Highland girl (c) Ancient Mariner (d) Child Harold’s Pilgrimage (e) None of these 29) “Great Expectations” was written by:
(a) George Eliot (b) Thackeray (c) Hardy
(d) Dickens (e) None of these 30) “Lotus Eaters” is written by:
(a) Tennyson (b) Browning (c) Mathew Arnold
(d) Hardy (e) None of these
31) Lamb, Leigh Haut and Hazzlit are:
(a) Poets (b) Dramatists (c) Essayists
(d) Novelists (e) None of these 32) “My Last Duchess” was written by:
(a) Keats (b) Coleridge (c) Tennyson
(d) Browning (e) None of these 33) Emity Bronte is the writer of:
(a) Wuthering Heights (b) Emma (c) Under the greenwood Tree
(d) Mr Chips (e) None of these
34) “Poetry is a spontaneous overflow of powerful feeling” is a definition of poetry by:
(a) Keats (b) Wordsworth (c) Shelley
(d) Coleridge (e) None of these
35) “Heard Melodies are sweet but those unheard are sweeter” is a line from:
(a) Ode on a Grecian Urn (b) Ode to a nightingale (c) The Prelude (d) Ode to Autumn (e) None of these 36) “Waverley” was written by:
(a) Scott (b) Hardy (c) Jane Austen
(d) Dickens (e) None of these (37) “We are Seven” is written by:
(a) Keats (b) Shelly (c) Byron
(d) Hardy (e) None of these
38) “Past and present” is written by:
(a) Mill (b) Lamb (c) Hazlitt
(d) Carlyle (e) None of these
39) “Modern Painters” is written by:
(a) Ruskin (b) Carlyle (c) Mill
(d) Macaulay (e) None of these 40) “Byron is the” writer of:
(a) Don Jaun (b) Prometheus Unbound (c) Adonias
(d) Lucy Gray (e) None of these
41 In Shakespeare’s Tragedies Character is not Destiny but there is Character and Destiny is a remark by:
(a) Nicoll (b) Goddord (c) Bradley
(d) Coleridge (e) None of these
42 “How came he dead? I shall not be juggled with: Tohell allegiance! Vows, to the blackest devil! Is a speech in Hamlet spoken by:
(a) Hamlet (b) Laertes (c) Polonius
(d) Claudius (e) None of these
43) Aspect of the Novel is written by:
(a) David Cecil (b) Walter Allen (c) Arnold Kettle (d) E.M. Forster (e) None of these 44) Lotos Eaters is a poem by:
(a) Browning (b) Tennyson (c) Yeats
(d) Frost (e) None of these
45) ‘The Hollow Men’ is written by:
(a) T.S. Eliot (b) Ezra Pound (c) Yeats
(d) Larkin (e) None of these
46) William Faulkner was awarded Nobel Prize for literature in:
(a) 1949 (b) 1950 (c) 1951
(d) 1953 (e) None of these
47) G.B. Shaw was awarded Nobel Prize for literature in:
(a) 1925 (b) 1929 (c) 1930
(d) 1949 (e) None of these
48 ‘The Winding Stair’ is written by:
(a) Ted Hughes (b) T.S. Eliot (c) W.B. Yeats
(d) W.H. Auden (e) None of these
49) ‘Murder in the Cathedral’ is a play written by:
(a) Shakespeare (b) Marlowe (c) Oscar Wilde (d) T.S. Eliot (e) None of these