PPSC Lecturer Education (BS-17) Past Paper | Original Paper | Old Paper

Punjab Public Service Commission written test for recruitment to the post of Lecturer Education BS-17 Past Paper. 

1. An important question of general philosophy is
A.      What is education?
B.      What is universe?
C.      What is Curriculum?
D.      What is Curiosity?
2. According to general philosophy values are derived from a set of
A.      Things, relations and spirit
B.      Acts, Things and relations
C.      Things, Acts and ideas
D.      All of these
3. Values are created as a result of social human interaction, according to
A.      Existentialist philosophers
B.      Idealist philosophers
C.      Realist philosophers
D.      Pragmatist philosophers
4. Authentic knowledge in Realism is gained through
A.      Empirical knowledge
B.      Revealed knowledge
C.      Intuitive knowledge
D.      Authoritative knowledge
5. The overriding purpose of education according to existentialists is to
A.      Educate the young in the laws, traditions, and beliefs of their culture.
B.      Prepare children to live harmoniously with nature
C.      Help the young become fully authentic beings
D.      Prepare children to live harmoniously with their fellow human beings
6. One would expect the curriculum of idealist schools to place emphasis on
A.      Social Studies
B.      Fine Arts
C.      The natural sciences and mathematics
D.      The liberal arts and humanities
7. In realist schools, the curriculum would probably be focused rather sharply on
A.      Studies in the natural and behavioral sciences.
B.      The humanities
C.      Business and other practical subjects
D.      History and the line arts
8. In addressing the subject matter of the curriculum, pragmatist teachers would more than likely
A.      Be highly structured
B.      Rely heavily on the scientific method of inquiry
C.      Exercise flexibility and try to be innovative
D.      Encourage students to address it as they believe they should
9. Obedient, scholarship and confirming to rules and norms is expected in
A.      Existentialist
B.      Idealist
C.      Realist
D.      Pragmatist
10. Emphasis is given to Lecture method is philosophy of
A.      Perennialism
B.      Progressivism
C.      Reconstructionism
D.      Existentialism
11. In stating the purpose of education, pragmatists would probably stress the need for
A.      Instruction in the classics
B.      Experience in democratic social processes
C.      Instruction in the process of scientific investigation
D.      Individual learning experiences
12. Knowledge and skills those lead to University education was slogan of
A.      Progressivism
B.      Essentialism
C.      Reconstructionism
D.      Perennialism
13. Academic subject matter was strongly recommended by
A.      Progressivism
B.      Essentialism
C.      Reconstructionism
D.      Perennialism
14. Ontology deals with question like
A.      What is universe?
B.      What is man?
C.      What is God?
D.      All of these
 15. Knowledge gained through ‘insight’ is called
A.      Revealed Knowledge
B.      Rational Knowledge
C.      Intuitive Knowledge
D.      Authoritative knowledge
16. In communication process the hearing and understanding of the message is known as
A.      Decoding
B.      The channel
C.      Encoding
D.      Feedback
17. All is a student of 5th grade. He is explaining to his father that his Islamic Studies book needs to be repaired. This is an example of the ______ flow of communication
A.      Downward
B.      Lateral
C.      Upward
D.      Diagonal
18. The best method of communicating when you need speed and feedback & you are willing to accept some distortion as the communication passes through several people is
A.      Written
B.      Nonverbal
C.      Oral
D.      Electronic
19. When Nasir’s son explains his car accident in such a way that he is not at fault, making use of which barrier is communication?  
A.      Filtering
B.      Nonverbal cues
C.      Gender styles
D.      Selective perception
20. Ali was just told by his mechanic that it will cost Rs. 10,000 to fix his car. All is upset, Ali’s boss calls him to ask him to come see him to his office; he needs to talk to him about something. (Ali’s boss is going to promote Ali.) All thinks he’s going fired. Ali’s misunderstanding is due to which barrier to communication?
A.      Language
B.      Filtering
C.      Emotions
D.      Nonverbal cues  

PPSC Lecturer Education BS-17 2nd Paper Questions

1. Who suggested that mental processes and events are unimportant or even totally nonexistent?

A. Jung
B. Waston
C. Wundt
D. Hull.

2. General Psychology and Educational Psychology are dissimilar. In that educational psychology

A. Is concerned with the child and not with the adult.
B. Is concerned with the various aspects of learning.
C. Deals only with the applications and not with the theory.
D. Selects and emphasises certain data from the general field.

3. Education psychology is oriented towards
A. The study of the peculiarities of individual children.
B. The application of the principles and techniques of psychology to the solution of the problems of the class room.
C. The formulation of hypothesis and theories related to educational practice.
D. The development on the part of the child of realistic goals and effective plans for their attainment.

4. The primary aim of educational psychology is

A. To contribute to an understanding of sound educational practices.
B. To provide the teacher with a greater appreciation of his role in the education of the child.
C. To provide the academic background essential for effective teaching.
D. To provide a theoretical framework for educational research.

5. Which of the following is not a function of educational psychology?
A. To discover techniques by means of which educational goals can be attained effectively
B. To define the goals for which education is to strive
C. To promote a greater understanding of the learning process
D. To promote a greater understanding of the learner.

6. Educational psychology should provide prospective teachers with
A. Insight into the various aspects of modem education.
B. Principles, insights and attitudes as points of departure for effective teaching.
C. Research procedures by means of which to evaluate correct teaching procedures.
D. Validate procedures to use in their teachings.

7. By what types of theories of Human nature, s.exual behaviour and the conditions under which a person may be held legally responsible for his actions are influenced?

A. Physiological
B. Biological
C. Psychological
D. Sociological.

8. Logos means knowledge and Psyche means
A. Soul.
B. Mind,
C. Consciousness
D. Behaviour.

9. What level of consciousness the process of awareness indicates?

A. Sub-conscious
B. Conscious
C. Unconscious
D. Preconscious.

10. The function and structure of nervous system includes

A. A.N.S. only.
B. P.N.S. &A.N.S.
C. C.N.S.&P.N.
D. Only P.N.S.

11. Which behaviour studies Psychology as a science?
A. Social
B. Overt
C. Human & Animal
D. Creative Animal.

12. What is the subject matter of Psychology?

A. Socialization
B. Perception of form
C. Development
D. Behaviour.

13. Greeks studied psychology as a branch of
A. Theology.
B. Philosophy,
C. Biology.
D. Religion.

14. Psychology began to be studied as a science in Germany in the year

A. 1890.
B. 1820.
C. 1879.
D. 1839.

15. Who established the first Psychological Laboratory?
A. Galton
B. Kurt Lewin
C. Wundt
D. Watson.

16. The study of occupational information should be

A. Postponed until the pupil is ready to choose a vocation.
B. Introduced in connection with a programme of self-appraisal.
C. Handled only by the school’s occupation counsellor.
D. Made a regular 10th and 12th grade subject.
17. Experience has shown that the most feasible plan for utilizing occupational orientation programme broadcast by radio is

A. The recording of the programme for inter-communication playback.
B. The direct hook-up of the programme with all class-room radios.
C. The assignment of pupils to listen to and report on the programme.
D. The bringing of pupils to listen to a direct hook-up in assembly.

18. In making occupational field-trips, the pupils should

A. Be accompanied by the teacher at all times.
B. Be prepared to ask questions from their guide.
C. Discuss their visits upon returning to school.
D. All of these.

19. In helping students to make educational plans, it is unwise for them to

A. Mix general with vocational subjects.
B. Select all their subjects from one field.
C. Take typing with college preparatory subjects.
D. Plan their programmes more than a year ahead.

20. A pupil should definitely be encouraged to go to college if

A. He has better than the average intelligence.
B. He has financial backing to see him through.
C. He has met high-school graduation requirements.
D. All the above are true and he wishes to go.

21. The problem child is generally one who has

A. An unsolved problem.
B. A poor heredity.
C. A poor home environment.
D. A younger brother or sister.

22. By emotional maturity is meant a

A. Low degree of sensitivity coupled with a high level of intellectual growth.
B. Extreme patience or sympathy towards problems involving other people.
C. Lack of patience or sympathy towards problems involving other people.
D. Lack of control or inhibition of the emotions appropriate to one’s age- group.

23. To educate according to nature means

A. To return to the nature as opposed to the artificial in life.
B. To educate according to the law of nature of human development.
C. To study natural laws and apply them to the educational process.
D. All of these.

24. Which of the following is most likely to be characteristic of the ineffective teacher?

A. Emphasis upon standard
B. Emphasis upon the control of the immediate situation
C. Refusal to help children until they have helped themselves
D. Differential treatment of the students of his class.

25. Which method of research probably contributes most to the advancement of educational psychology as a science?

A. The clinical method
B. The historical method
C. The survey method
D. The experimental method.

26. Psychology is the science of
A. Human being.
B. Animal’s behaviour.
C. Behaviour.
D. Attitude.

27. Education requires general set of methods, focusing mainly on

A. Systematic observation method.
B. Direct-experimentation.
C. Scientific method.
D. Sociological method.

28. Who was the father of experimental psychology?
A. Watson
B. Freud
C. Wundt
D. Hull.

29. “Introspection Method” was used mainly in

A. Functionalism.
B. Structuralism.
C. Behaviourism.
D. Gestalt psychology.

30. Who rejected introspection as a legitimate method of study?

A. Watson
B. Freud
C. Wundt
D. Bernstein.
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