Importance and Problems of Female Education

Female education:

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Education is the essential for everyone get according to Islam the Islam says achieve education even you have to go to china. Education is the most muscular weapon through which any nation can be change the whole world. Islam has given the particular rights of everyone whether girl or boy. Female education is specially made for girls so that they can learn education easily and separately so which only girl has the permission to study this is especially for girls. Boys cannot allow coming in female Education institute. Due to education we can make the girl educated so that world can be change through making woman educated.

Importance of Female Education:

Achieving education is the specific required for all human being and this is our duty to learn education and bring awareness in the society. Its also our obligation that what achieve from education we have to spread them so that everyone know the rights of parents, brother, vicinity, elder ad show affection to child’s. because of education people can take the right path he has the3 ability to take decision as well they know that what is good and worse which path right or wrong just due to taking part in education or knowledge. Islam teaches us that lean education whether boy or girl. In this time the whole world is trying to give the rights of woman. If we talk about Pakistan so if we compere t past sixty four year now Pakistan is improving and getting success to give the rights to woman. No country can get success and progress until the nation of that country in dark or uneducated. We have to give equal rights to everyone.

Problems of Female Education:

If we give the glance to problem of female education so we get too many problems which are occurred in our society. if we take the example of Pakistan so Pakistan is the Islamic country and follow the rules and regulations at state by to the Islam. In the opinion of to the Law of the Pakistan It’s necessary to give education every single person in a country forecast male or female. There are many issues for women to obtain education. Mostly the girl doesn’t link the school due to society force. Generally villages’ people they don't learn the education because of finance problem or lack of school in villages’ area. In Pakistan those people who live in what they do parent consign their boys to school but not to girl. Our Government should play an active part for woman Education. In our vacantly we don't give focus to female. We reflect them weaker member of the vicinity. Female education will be good and should bring awareness in rural areas or villages area. Finally if our woman is educated our society will be educated if our vicinity is educated our country will progress.

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