Every year in march or April university of the Punjab conducts the exams of BSC students and they tend to organize the results in three months from the exams. If you are the one who is search for PU Lahore BSc results 2018 than here we are giving you the information about it.
As students are thinking that University of Punjab BSc Result 2018 will be announced in August, but still there is no news about it, we are investigating the news for you here.
The Punjab University is a well known and most famous university of the Pakistan and the university is known for its best education plans and out comes. Students from all around the country loves to get educated and learn more from PU as they thinks that this is the only best university.

As of result now students are waiting for the BSc results of Punjab University for the year 2018 so they can start new courses.
As students are thinking that University of Punjab BSc Result 2018 will be announced in August, but still there is no news about it, we are investigating the news for you here.
The Punjab University is a well known and most famous university of the Pakistan and the university is known for its best education plans and out comes. Students from all around the country loves to get educated and learn more from PU as they thinks that this is the only best university.

As of result now students are waiting for the BSc results of Punjab University for the year 2018 so they can start new courses.