Dreaming to learn Chinese language?
Don't worry about it as you can now learn Chinese language having best teachers for you at Punjab University in collaboration with some expert Chinese teachers to teach you exactly what you are need of.
So let's now more about admissions for Chinese language learning program 2017 by the university of the Punjab.
UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB, LAHORE CAMPUS has announced the dates of admissions for CONFUCIUS INSTITUTE to learn Chinese language from expert teacher for free and there are also some paid classes.
Don't worry about it as you can now learn Chinese language having best teachers for you at Punjab University in collaboration with some expert Chinese teachers to teach you exactly what you are need of.
So let's now more about admissions for Chinese language learning program 2017 by the university of the Punjab.
UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB, LAHORE CAMPUS has announced the dates of admissions for CONFUCIUS INSTITUTE to learn Chinese language from expert teacher for free and there are also some paid classes.